BOSCO Yuvakendra organized Youth Parliament for the youth residing at the centre on September 22, 2020. Jagadeesh, Youth Representative, presented the previous month’s report. There was a discussion on the activities that were completed and the activities that were yet to be taken up. The youth shared about their experience of staying in the shelter, how it has helped them improve their confidence levels, develop their talents, given space for unwinding themselves and improve their English speaking skills. The group congratulated Jagadeesh for efficiently handling the responsibilities given to him from the past six months and later selected new representatives – Ravi Bandevaddar as President, Deva as Vice- President and Manoj as Secretary.
Speaking on the occasion, Sr. Silvy, Director, BOSCO Yuvakendra said that Yuvakendra is like a light house leading the youth through the path of humanity, moulding them into responsible citizens of the country. She exhorted the youth to make best use of the opportunities provided to them in the center. Fifteen youth participated in the Youth Parliament.
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