ECCE, BOSCO organized Mothers’ meeting on the ‘Importance of Voting’ at Ramanna Garden-2 Anganwadi Center on March 25, 2019. Ms. Lingarajamma, Anganwadi Teacher welcomed the gathering. Ms. Vinnarasi spoke about the importance of child protection. Importance of monitoring children’s activities, child abuse and child protection mechanisms were briefed. Mr. Ramaswamy, Coordinator, ECCE, explained about the right to vote, process of voting, importance of voting democratically. Fr. Regi Jacob, Director, ECCE Programme, briefed about BOSCO and its centres. He spoke on importance of child development. Mothers requested BOSCO to conduct vocational skill training classes at Ramanna Garden.
With vote of thanks by Ms. Raji, Anganwadi teacher, the meeting drew to a close. Thirty-six mothers from Ramanna Garden 1 and 2 and N. S. Garden along with three Anganwadi Teachers participated in the meeting.
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