Pillahalli School Management and Huskuru Gram Panchayat invited BOSCO Child Safety Net (CSN) team to participate in the Makkala Grama Sabha organized by Hoskuru Grama Panchayat on January 13, 2025. The event provided a platform for the children to participate and discuss and address issues affecting their lives and communities there by empowering them by involving them in the decision making process.Children discussed ways to promote education and healthcare in their community, including organizing awareness campaigns and advocating for better facilities. Participants discussed the importance of building partnerships with local authorities to address child-related issues and promote community development. There were discussions on establishing child-friendly governance structures that provide opportunities for children to participate in decision-making processes and also allocate resources and budget to support child-centered programming and initiatives.
Mr. Basavaraj PN,Coordinator, BOSCO CSN Project, spoke about BOSCO, its presence and its services. He emphasized the importance of education in present world. He exhorted the Panchayat members and other stakeholders to work towards the eradication of social evils like child marriages, child labour, child begging,etc.
The schools received some laptop projector,mic, smart TV, printer, etc from the Grama Panchayat. Gram Panchayat President, PDO, Members, Anganwadi teachers, ASHA Workers Union Members, School HMs, BOSCO CSN team, CRISP team, BREADS staff and two student volunteers participated in this programme. Ten children from Pillahalli School participated and gave a cultural programme. Around two hundred and twenty five school children along with the community members were present in the Gama Sabha.
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