Enhance Emotions – Empower Lives, an Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Training was held on January 24, 2025 at BOSCO Yuvodaya for the Child Care Givers of BOSCO. The training aimed to equip caregivers with a practical knowledge for managing stress, to improve their emotional well-being and at creating a more positive and supportive environment for the children under their care. The training was conducted by EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Academy, India. Mridula Nair, Resource Person, explained the emotional freedom techniques in detail through group discussions, practical exercises and demonstrations. She said that EFT is a self-help method that combines gentle tapping on specific points on the body with positive self-talk to address emotional distress. The training covered the basics of EFT, including how it works, the different tapping points and how to use positive affirmations to escape from stress and thereby enhance emotional well-being. Participants learned a step-by-step process for using EFT including the 9 Gamut – a series of eye movements and humming exercises that enhance the process. They practiced applying EFT to different emotional scenarios and discussed how EFT can help them navigate challenging situations with children. The training emphasized the importance of self-acceptance and creating a supportive environment for both the children and themselves. Thirty -four staff including Fr. Johnson, Director BOSCO Yuvodaya participated in the training.
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