Foster Care, BOSCO Bengaluru, organized one day Planning and Monitoring Meeting for Districts Project Staff at BOSCO Yuvodaya, Bengaluru, on February 22, 2025. Fr. Varghese Pallipuram, Executive Director, BOSCO Bengaluru, began his remarks by announcing that BOSCO has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with various government officials, including those from the Foster Care system, Labour Department, and Police Officers. He emphasized that following the MOU with the director of ICPS, the expected impact of an increase in the number of foster care placements and stakeholders’ and public awareness on foster care and adoption should be achieved.
Asha HK, District Child Protection Officer (DCPO), West Division, exhorted that social mobilizers understand their roles and responsibilities and play a crucial part in fostering a connection between BOSCO and Government officials. Fr. P S George, Executive Director, BREADS, addressed several challenges posed by funding agencies. Additionally, he elaborated on the concepts of Problem Tree, Solution Tree, and Social Return on Investment. He indicated that if the DCPO, Po NIC, or CWC do not provide support, it is essential to engage in regular meetings for discussion.
The first session on the criteria to be adhered to during monitoring visits, as well as the responsibilities of District Directors, DCPO/PO NIC, and Social Mobilizers was faclitated by Fr. Varghese Pallipuram. The second session conducted by Mr. Kantharaju, PO NIC, Hassan, covered the procedures outlined in the JJ Act regarding placements.
Mr. Shivamallu, State Project Coordinator welcomed the participants, and Ms. Nandini, Advocacy and Document Coordinator proposed the vote of thanks. Around twenty-six members from twenty districts participated in the meeting.
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