BOSCO, Bengaluru organized the Grand Finale of Children’s Cultural Fest at BOSCO Sumanahalli, Bengaluru on January 26, 2025. The programme began with watering the plant by the dignitaries. Fr. Varghese Pallipuram, Executive Director, BOSCO, Bengaluru, delivering the presidential address congratulated the children for their participation in the Don Bosco’s Month events. Mr. Mime Gopi, South Indian Cine Star appreciated BOSCO. He appreciated the performances of the children. He was happy to see the smiles on the faces of the children. He expressed that programmes of such sort help the children to overcome their inhibitions and exhibit their talents. Rev Fr. George Kannanthanam, Sumanahalli Society, Bengaluru, Fr. Philip were present on the occasion.
A month-long celebration that included quiz competition, children’s sports day and inter-centre cultural competitions for the children culminated with the feast of Don Bosco. The winners of the competitions were awarded during the valedictory function. The results of the BOSCO Annual Essay Writing Competition were announced during the programme. Around five hundred children, friends and well-wishers of BOSCO gathered on the occasion.
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