BOSCO Bengaluru stood united with the global community in observing the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, 2024 through various components and centres, and along with the Government Departments based on the theme, “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”. The teams were involved in creating awareness in the CCIs, schools, communities,public places. The children were shown short video clips on the aspect of trafficking. Poster making,drawing and other competitions were held to gain deeper understanding of the significance of the day. Signature campaign was held in front of Vidha Soudha where the public pledged their support towards the cause.
BOSCO Bengaluru was a part of the event organized by the Department of Women and Child Welfare in collaboration with the District Administrations, District Panchayat and District Law Service Authority on account of International Day Against Trafficking in Persons at Sambhrama Auditorium, Women and Child Welfare Department, Bengaluru on July 30, 2024. The programme saw the presence of Mr. ML Raghunath, District Magistrate, Mr. Siddeshwar, Director, ICPS, Mr. Krishnamurthy, Asst District Collector, Mr.William Christopher, Staff, IGM, NGOs, ASHA Workers and other stakeholders.
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