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Informations from BOSCO

Orientation Programme

Posted On: 14th Sep 2024

Social Work Students from Germany, The Netherlands and Norway studying in CHRIST College, Bengaluru, visited BOSCO Yuvodaya on September  6, 2024. Fr. Varghese Pallipuram, Executive Director, BOSCO Bengaluru orientated the students on BOSCO and its activities. He briefed about the history of BOSCO, its vision and mission, programs and projects. Students were shown videos on Foster Care project and the activities of BOSCO .

Students asked their doubts about children on street, their rehabilitation and process. They also asked questions related to projects and programmes. One student expressed to do her fieldwork at BOSCO, especially, in the activities involving counseling. Students interacted with open shelter children and staff. They asked questions related to rescue operations, identification of children, difficulties in tracing parents and challenges in counseling. Nine students from CHRIST College and two students from Don Bosco College, T.C Palya and Programme Manager were also part of this orientation programme.

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