BOSCO Vikas, Bengaluru in collaboration with BOSCO Mane organized parents meeting at the centre on July 28, 2019. Mr. Papaiah, Coordinator, BOSCO Vikas, briefed about the purpose of the meeting. Ms. Akshitha, Social Mobilizer, BOSCO Foster Care Programme, shared about the behavior and performance of the children. Ms. Bharathi, Coordinator, BOSCO Mane explained about the functioning of Child Welfare Committee (CWC). Fr. Varghese Pallipuram, Director, BOSCO Yuvodaya, explained the roles and responsibilities of the parents towards their children. The parents met Fr. Binny, Director, BOSCO Vikas. Mr. Babu, Assistant Coordinator, BOSCO Vikas welcomed the gathering and proposed the vote of thanks. Twenty-four parents of children from BOSCO Vikas and fourteen parents of children from BOSCO Mane attended the meeting.
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