The children of BOSCO Rainbow Home were given a life skill session on Self- Acceptance and Self – Esteem – ‘The Beautiful Garden of my Soul’ at the centre on March 9, 2025. The session aimed at healing the negative mental imprints by substituting them with positive and powerful belief in oneself. Facilitating the session, Fr. Johnson, Director, BOSCO Yuvodaya, said, “Time and energy are the only elements available to us in life. Growth is life is automatic, and time is not in our control. Becoming aware of the passing nature of our self in time and living in the present with awareness and self-choices is essential in order to nurture and beautify the gift of the life experienced in one’s self.” These points were practically explained through sharing various experiences. He exhorted that children believe that they are never going to be losers or victims but winners with proper goals, discipline, commitment, seeking blessings from higher sources. A total of thirty-one girls participated in the session.
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